32. Definitions of terms: 定义:
32.1. ALERT: "Alert", being a warning to other players, is defined as the declaration of a player that he is looking for a specific kind of pais in order to win with a specific grade element. The declaration may be represented by a verbal announcement or expressed by the displayed pais of a player having reached one of the three positions listed below: 警报:"警报"是一项对其他人的宣示,表示一人的手牌正需要某一花色的牌以包含某一特定的番种成胡牌。这种宣示可以用口头宣报的形式作出,亦可因该人明列的牌子已达到下列三种情况之一而被视为已作出了该项宣示:
(1) He has disclosed three, and only three, sets of pais that are all in any one suit of the Serials, or are all pais of the Honours, which shall indicate that his target winning hand may contain the grade element of Pure Same or Pure Honours. To declare an alert verbally, he may speak out "BOUND TANS" (or Bound Soks, Bound Wans, or Bound Honours, which is the kind of pais he is looking for, as the case may be) as soon as he has disclosed the third set of pais of the same kind. This type of alert is called the Pure Same Alert, or Pure Honours Alert, as the case may be. 他已明列三副,而且只限三副,全是某一花色的序数牌,或者全是番子;这种情况显示他的目标是建立包含清一色或清番子的胡牌。以口头宣示时,他可以在开出第三副相同花色的牌的同时宣报"包筒子"(或是包索子,包万子,包番子,按情况而定,该口头宣报的牌子种类就是他需要的牌子)。这种警报得称为"包清一色"警报或"包清番子"警报,视情况而定。
(2) He has disclosed two sets of the Dragons among the disclosed pais, which shall indicate that his target winning hand may contain the grade element of Big Three Dragons. To declare an alert verbally, he may speak out "BOUND RED DRAGON" (or Bound Green Dragon, or White Dragon, which is the missing pai of the Dragon, as the case may be) as soon as he has disclosed the second set of pais of the Dragons. This type of alert is called the Big Three Dragons Alert. 他在打开的牌子中已明列两副三元牌;这种情况显示他的目标是建立包含大三元的胡牌。以口头宣示时,他可以在开出第二副三元牌的同时宣报"包红中"(或是包发财,包白板,按情况而定,该口头宣报的牌子就是他欠缺的第三张三元牌)。这种警报得称为"包大三元"警报。
(3) He has disclosed three sets of the Winds, and such three sets only, which shall indicate that his target winning hand may contain the grade element of Big Four Winds. To declare an alert verbally, he may speak out "BOUND EAST" (or Bound South, West or North, which is the missing pai of the Winds, as the case may be) as soon as he has disclosed the third set of the Winds. This type of alert is called the Big Four Winds Alert. 他已明列三副风牌,而且只限三副风牌;这种情况显示他的目标是建立包含大四喜的胡牌。以口头宣示时,他可以在开出第三副风牌的同时宣报"包东"(或是包南,包西或包北,按情况而定,该口头宣报的牌子种类就是他欠缺的风牌)。这种警报得称为"包大四喜"警报。
32.2. BOUND PAI: The declaration of certain pais as "bound pai" in an alert is an expression that the named pais are those required for a target winning hand related to in the alert. For the purposes of this article, the alert of bound pai is deemed to have been properly declared as soon as the player has reached one of the positions described in art. 32.1, and that any dispute as to whether a verbal declaration has been given shall not be entertained. 包输牌:在警报中宣报"包输"的牌就是和该警报相关的目标胡牌所需要的牌。在执行本条规定时,当一人已达到第32.1条所述的其中一种情况时,便可当作已经适当地向其它人宣报警报中相关的包输牌,而任何关于是否已作出口头宣报的投诉应不予处理。
32.3. BOUND TO LOSE: "Bound to lose" is a penalty. If a player has discarded a bound pai which would assist the player who has given an alert to win the game at a later time in which the winning hand contains the grade element related to in that alert, he must pay scores of his share plus the shares of the other two players to the winner. The one who pays for all is called to be bound to lose, in such case, the other two players need not pay. 包输:"包输"是一项罚则。若一人打出一张包输牌可以协助给出警报的人在其后胜出,而胜出的胡牌又包含和该警报相关的番种时,则打出该包输牌的人须为自己和为另外两人支付所有绩分予胜出的人。这样由一人为所有人支付绩分的情况称为"包输",在这情况下其它两人无须作任何付出。
33. The restrictive terms under this article are not compulsory but penalties are provided for not observing these terms. If more than one player are subject to the penalty clauses of articles 33.1 and 33.2 at the same time, only art. 33.1 shall apply. 本条所列的限制项目不是强制性的,唯不遵守这些限制的将会按照罚则处理。若第33.1条和第33.2条的罚则分别对超过一人同时适用,则只有第33.1条的罚则有效。
33.1. All players shall avoid discarding any bound pai if an alert is in effect. If a player has expressed in an alert that his target winning hand involves Pure Same or Pure Honours, and if he further manages to display the fourth set of pais of the same kind with the help of a bound pai discarded by another player, then the penalty term of this article shall apply.
PENALTY: If at a later time this player who has given the alert wins the game by means of a pai drawn either from the head or from the tail, provided the winning hand consists of the grade element of Pure Same or Pure Honours, the player who has discarded the bound pai mentioned above must be bound to lose. 当一项警报生效时任何人均不得打出任何包输牌。若一人发出警报并显示他的目标胡牌包含清一色或清番子,之后若由于别人打出的牌而令他成功地开出第四副相同花色的牌,则本条所列的罚则适用。罚则:若发出警报的人其后从牌头或牌尾抓牌之后成胡牌,而该手胡牌又含有清一色或清番子的番种,则上述打出该包输牌的人须要包输。
33.2. All players shall avoid discarding any bound pai if an alert is in effect. If a player has expressed in an alert that his target winning involves Big Three Dragons, and if he further manages to display the third set of the Dragon with the help of a bound pai discarded by another player, then the penalty term of this article shall apply.
PENALTY: If at a later time this player who has given the alert wins the game by means of a pai drawn either from the head or from the tail, provided the winning hand consists of the grade element of Big Three Dragons, the player who has discarded the bound pai mentioned above must be bound to lose. 当一项警报生效时任何人均不得打出任何包输牌。若一人发出警报并显示他的目标胡牌包含大三元,之后若由于别人打出的牌而令他成功地开出第三副三元牌,则本条所列的罚则适用。罚则:若发出警报的人其后从牌头或牌尾抓牌之后成胡牌,而该手胡牌又含有大三元的番种,则上述打出该包输牌的人须要包输。
33.3. All players shall avoid discarding any bound pai if an alert is in effect. If a player has expressed in an alert that his target winning involves Big Four Winds, and if he further manages to display the fourth pung of the Winds with the help of a bound pai discarded by another player, then the penalty term of this article shall apply.
PENALTY: If at a later time this player who has given the alert wins the game by means of a pai drawn either from the head or from the tail, provided the winning hand consists of the pattern of the Big Four Winds, the player who has discarded the bound pai mentioned above must be bound to lose. 当一项警报生效时任何人均不得打出任何包输牌。若一人发出警报并显示他的目标胡牌包含大四喜,之后若由于别人打出的牌而令他成功地开出第四副风牌,则本条所列的罚则适用。罚则:若发出警报的人其后从牌头或牌尾抓牌之后成胡牌,而该手胡牌又含有大四喜的番种,则上述打出该包输牌的人须要包输。
33.4. A player may disclose all of his pais only if he possesses a winning hand. If a player has declared win and, or otherwise, has disclosed all of his pais but it is found that the hand does not meet the requirements of a winning hand, he is defined as having made a FALSE WIN. A false win so made is irrevocable and is irrelevant to other stipulations regarding the priority or possibility allowing a player to declare win.
PENALTY: Any player having made a false win must pay to each of the other three players 1,000 mados, or the scores assigned to the agreed highest rank, whichever is the less, and the stipulations of art. 34.7 will then apply. 任何人只可以在拥有一手胡牌时才可将手牌内的所有牌子打开。若一人已经报称胡牌,或者在其它情况下,该人已将其手牌内的所有牌子打开,但是该手牌却不符合成为胡牌的要求,则他可以称为"食诈胡"。食诈胡是不可撤消的行为,且和其它报胡牌的优先权和可行性的规则无关。罚则:任何人食诈胡之后必须向其它三人每人支付1,000马吊,或支付协意的最高等级的绩分,以较低者为准。之后,须按第34.7条的规定办理。
34. The aim of the restrictive terms in this article is to ensure the play to be proceeded as fair as possible to all players. All these restrictions are compulsory but without penalty, and are subject to other stipulations where applicable. 本条所列的限制项目是要让游戏的进行对各人尽可能公平。所列的所有限制项目都是强制性的但不设罚则,且在执行时须根据其它适用的规则处理。
34.1. If a player has verbally declared pung or kong and in good faith such move is truly possible, he must perform the move irrevocably. 若一人已口头报碰或杠牌而该碰或杠的行动是确实可行的,则他必须执行该行动。
34.2. If a player has disclosed two or more pais from his concealed hand whether or not with a will to chow, to pung or to kong, but is truly possible to do so, he must complete the move irrevocably. 若一人已从自己的暗牌中打开两张或以上的牌,则无论他是否有意进行上牌,碰牌或杠牌而且也是确实可行的,则他必须完成这些行动。
34.3. If a player has mistakenly declared to chow, to pung or to kong (including the setup of an unfolded kong) and immediately finds it impossible to do so, he may revoke the declaration and correct the mistake before and only before he has discarded a pai. [Explanatory note: The act of revoking a declaration under this article may be regulated by "attachment rules" (if any) in a competition event.] 若一人错误地宣报上牌,碰牌或杠牌(包括开暗杆)但马上发觉其为不可能,则他可以在打出一张牌之前且只可以在这之前撤消该项宣报并更正该错误。[解释性说明:在比赛牌局中本条所述的撤消宣报的行为得受附加规则(如有)的规范。]
34.4. If a player in his turn to draw a pai touches the pai at the head, he has lost all the priority and right to perform any move other than the drawing of pai from the head. 若一人在轮到他抓牌时已触及牌头上的牌,则他能够执行其它行动的所有优先权和权利便宣告丧失,而只保留抓牌的优先权和权利。
34.5. If a player keeps silent and does not declare win or pung upon a discarded pai, he is then banned from declaring win or pung upon any further identical pai exposed. This restriction remains in force until he has reached his turn to perform a move other than those prescribed in the restriction. 若一人可因一张打出的牌而宣报胡牌或碰牌但却保持箴默和不作相应的宣报,则在别人再显露相同的牌时他将不获准取得该牌而宣报胡牌或碰牌。这项限制将维持有效,直到他执行了一项限制范围以外的行动为止。
34.6. All pais once having been exposed or displayed by a player may not be altered or exchanged with pais inside his concealed hand. Further, if during the process of a game a player finds that the total number of pais in hand is either too many or otherwise insufficient, or that his displayed pais are not in proper sets, he must keep to such situations and no interim correction is allowed. 属于一人的已经打开和排列出来的牌子不得作任何更改,或和该人暗牌内的牌子作交换。此外,若在游戏进行中一人发觉他手牌内牌子的数目太多或太少,或他的已经打开和排列出来的牌子含有错误的组合,他亦必须维持这些状况而不可中途作出任何更正。
34.7. The false win as described in art. 33.4 is not a winning hand, therefore penalty is paid only as stipulated. If a false win is declared on an exposed pai, anyone can further declare win on the same exposed pai and receive scores in accordance with other applicable stipulations. If no winning hand is declared after a false win, the game is considered completed and the jonga retirement will take place. 第33.4条所述的诈胡不是胡牌,故绩分只可以按照该罚则的规定支付。若诈胡是由于别人开出的牌而产生,则任何人均可继续按照相关的规定取得该牌而报胡牌,并收取绩分。若在诈胡之后没有其它人报胡牌,该盘游戏便算完结而庄家则须过庄。