International Mahjong® Rules
(Version v0702-2012-03-28    版号 v0702-2012-03-28)

17.   After the pais have been dealt, all players shall check if they have been dealt with the Flowers. Any player having Flowers in hand must turn the Flowers face upwards and display them at the left hand corner, and draw same quantity of pais from the tail to his hand - such procedure is called REPLACING THE FLOWERS and is an integral part of the move of obtaining pais from the head or from the tail. The replacing of Flowers immediately after dealing of pais shall be led by the jonga and followed by other players in the anti-clockwise direction. Any further Flowers so obtained can only be replaced by a player in his turn in the next cycle. Any Flower obtained during other time of the game must be replaced at once.    发牌完成后,各人须查看自己手牌中是否有花牌。若手中有花牌时必须将花牌反开并摆放在其左角位置,并在牌尾抓取相同数目的牌加入自己手牌中 - 这种过程称为"补花",亦是组成从牌头或牌尾抓牌行动的完整部份。紧接着发牌之后的补花得由庄家先行,然后依逆时针方向顺序由其它人进行。若在补花后再取得花牌,则只能在另一轮过程中顺序补花。若在其它行牌的时段取得花牌,必须马上补花。
18.   Except to win under art. 19.2, a winning hand must otherwise consist of exactly 14 pais and meet the condition of art. 19.1. For the purpose of calculation under this article, the disclosed pais of Flowers are not counted, any disclosed set of kong (4 pais) is to be counted three pais only and all other pais are counted in unit of pai.    除了按照第19.2条成胡牌之外,一手胡牌所含牌子的总数必须是14张并同时符合第19.1条的规定。在执行本条规定时须依从以下的计算准则:已显露的花牌不计,每组显露的杠牌(4张)只作3张计,其余牌子则按个别牌数逐一点算。
19.   The objective of International Mahjong is that in each game all players must exchange and arrange his hand of pais, by means of operations stipulated by articles throughout Chapter Five, with a goal to win or, where circumstances require, to prevent other players from winning. To proceed to win a game one must make his declaration to win in the manner described in art. 21.1, and must fulfill one of the following two conditions:    国际麻将的游戏目标是各人须按照第五章所列的规定,在每一盘游戏中,将自己手牌的牌子进行替换和整理,以争取将自己手牌成为胡牌,或在情况有需要时防止他人胡牌。若要在一盘游戏中胜出,必须按照第21.1条规定的方式报称胡牌,并必须符合下列二者之中任何一项条件:
19.1.   The hand has met the requirements of art. 7.2 and is in a combination of EITHER:    手牌已达到第7.2条的要求而其牌子的组成已达到下列二者之一:
(1)   Containing one set of eyes, plus four sets of pais in a random combination of chow, pung or kong; OR    手牌中含有一组眼和四副任意组合的顺子,刻子或杠牌;或
(2)   Containing seven pairs of pais of any kind.    手牌中含有七对任何花色的牌。
19.2.   The hand has met a requirement qualifying for a special winning hand as per art. 25.2.    手牌已达到第25.2条的规定成为例牌。
20.   After the dealing of pais and, if applicable, replacing of Flowers, if the jonga does not declare win he must choose any one pai from his concealed hand and place it face upwards in the middle of the table. This procedure is called TO DISCARD A PAI and the middle of the table where all discarded pais are placed is called the FLOOR. The first player to discard a pai in a game must be the jonga of the game.    在发牌过程完结之后,若适用时包括所有补花之后,若庄家不报胡牌便必须从其暗牌中选取任一张牌以牌面向上的方式摆放在台面的中央。这动作得称为"出牌"而牌桌中央摆放打出的牌子的地方得称为"牌池"。每一盘游戏中第一个出牌的人必须是该盘游戏的庄家。
21.   After the first pai has been discarded by the jonga, and thereafter each time a pai is discarded by a player, all other players may consider if they should take any one of the moves listed below in order to obtain the fourteenth pai to his hand. Only one move may be executed by one player at a time and in its priority order as listed. In addition, a player is deemed to have reached his turn to perform a move only if no other player claims a higher priority. All moves, if qualified, may be executed by a player at will, unless the rule states otherwise.    在庄家打出第一张牌之后,及其后每当有人打出一张牌之后,所有其它人得考虑是否执行以下列出的行牌行动中的任何一项,以获取手牌中的第14张牌。每次只准一人执行其中一项行动,而每项行动得按以下列出的顺序获配行使的优先权。个人只有在没有其它人要求执行更高优先权的行动时,才可行使其执行某一行动的权利。所有合资格的行牌行动都可以按照个人的意愿而执行,唯规则另有规定时除外。
21.1.   WIN: If a player finds all disclosed and concealed pais of his hand, together with the pai already discarded can meet the requirements of a winning hand, he can declare to win the game, provided the priority to win as specified in art. 29 is observed. Besides, win can also be declared upon a pai obtained from other than a discard, or declared upon the fulfillment of requirement qualifying for a winning hand. To win, a player must declare "WIN" verbally and disclose all pais of his hand for examination by other players and for determination of rank, and the game is then completed. Before all pais are completely disclosed, the player having declared win may inspect his pais and make sure all winning requirements are met, or he may revoke his declaration to win, and the game may then continue as if no declaration to win has ever been made. [Explanatory note: The act of revoking a declaration under this article may be regulated by "attachment rules" (if any) in a competition event.]    报胡牌:若任何人发觉手牌中已显露和未显露的牌,加上别人刚打出的牌可达到符合胡牌的条件时,他可以报称胡牌,但须受第29条有关胡牌优先权的规定限制。除此之外,各人亦可在其它情况下获得适合的牌子时报胡牌,或在达到符合胡牌条件时报胡牌。报胡牌时,必须先口头报称"胡",然后将手牌中所有牌子打开供其它人查验和确定胡牌的等级,而该盘游戏亦到此完结。在所有牌子未有完全打开之前,报胡牌的人可自行检视自己的牌子并确保手牌已达致所有胡牌的条件;在必要时他可以撤消报称胡牌,而游戏则继续进行,尤如从未有报称胡牌一样。[解释性说明:在比赛牌局中本条所述的撤消宣报的行为得受附加规则(如有)的规范。]
21.2.   PUNG: If a player has two identical pais in his concealed hand that can form a pung together with the already discarded pai, he can declare to pung. If a pung can truly be set up the player cannot revoke his declaration. To pung, a player must declare "PUNG" verbally and disclose the two identical pais and display them together with the discarded pai at his left hand corner. He can further change to declare "KONG" on the same discarded pai in accordance with the procedures set out in art. 21.3, otherwise he must discard a pai if he does not declare win and the discarded pai must not be identical to the two pais just disclosed from the concealed hand.    报碰:若一人的暗牌内有两张相同的牌可以连同别人刚打出的牌成刻子组合,他可以报碰。若刻子确实可以成立则报碰不可撤消。碰牌时,必须先口头报称"碰",然后将暗牌内两张相同的牌打开,连同别人刚打出的牌成一刻子组合并陈列在自己的左角落。他亦可以在这时利用刚打出的牌改报"杠牌",并按第21.3条程序处理;否则,在不报胡牌的情况下他必须打出一张牌,而打出的牌不得和刚组成刻子的牌相同。
21.3.   KONG: If a player has three identical pais in his concealed hand that can form a kong together with the already discarded pai, he may declare to kong. If a kong can truly be set up the player cannot revoke his declaration. To kong, a player must declare "KONG" verbally and disclose the three identical pais and display them together with the discarded pai at his left hand corner. He must then draw one pai from the tail, and the stipulations of art. 23.2 will then apply. For the purposes of These Rules, a kong declared on a discarded pai is defined as a REGULAR KONG and shall be distinguished from the types of kong described in art. 22.    报杠:若一人的暗牌内有三张相同的牌可以连同别人刚打出的牌成杠,他可以报杠。若杠牌确实可以成立则报杠不可撤消。杠牌时,必须先口头报称"杠",然后将手牌中三张相同的牌打开,连同别人刚打出的牌成杠组合并陈列在自己的左角落。之后,他必须从牌尾抓牌一张,然后按照第23.2条规定办理。在执行本规则其它条文时,以别人打出的牌而组成的杠得称为"普通杠",和第22条所述的杠有别。
21.4.   CHOW: This move can only be executed by the nexta of the player who has just discarded a pai but no verbal declaration is required. To chow, a player must disclose two pais from his concealed hand together with the already discarded pai to form a set of chow and display them at his left hand corner. The player must then discard a pai if he does not declare win and the discarded pai must not be a pai that can form a chow with the two pais just disclosed from the concealed hand.    上牌:这项行动只可以由刚打出一张牌的人的下家执行而无须作出口头宣告。上牌时,必须将暗牌内两张牌打开,连同别人刚打出的牌成顺子组合并陈列在自己的左角落。之后,在不报胡牌的情况下他必须打出一张牌,而打出的牌必须不能和刚从暗牌内打开的两张牌组成顺子。
21.5.   DRAW: If no move listed above is executed, the nexta of the player who has just discarded a pai must draw a pai from the head, and the stipulations of art. 23.2 will then apply.    抓牌:若上列各项行动无一执行,则刚打出一张牌的人的下家必须从牌头抓牌一张,然后按照第23.2条规定办理。
22.   The declaration to kong can also be executed by a player after he has just drawn a pai. Kongs of this type are classified as SPECIAL KONGS and are stipulated as follows.    开杠亦可以由一名刚抓牌之后的人执行。这情况下的杠属于"特殊杠",其规范如下:
22.1.   MELDED KONG: If a player already has a disclosed set of pung and if it is his turn to draw a pai and, after having drawn a pai, he finds in his concealed hand the fourth identical pai, he may disclose and display that fourth identical pai together with the disclosed set of pung to form a set of kong. This is called a "melded kong".    明杠:若一人已有一副明示的刻子,在轮到他抓牌并且在抓牌之后发觉在自己的暗牌内存有第四张和上述刻子相同的牌,他可以将这第四张牌反开并和上述的刻子组成一副杠牌。这样的杠得称为明杠。
22.2.   UNFOLDED KONG: If it is a player's turn to draw a pai and if, after having drawn a pai, he finds in his concealed hand four identical pais, he may disclose and display all four pais in one time to form a set of kong. This is called an "unfolded kong" and shall be disclosed and displayed in this prescribed manner:    暗杠:当一人轮到他抓牌并且在抓牌之后,若他发觉在自己的暗牌内存有四张相同的牌,他可以将这四张牌同时反开组成一副杠牌。这样的杠得称为暗杠且须按下列指定的方式明示和陈列:
(1)   The four identical pais shall be shown to all players upon the declaration of kong;    该四张相同的牌须在报称开杠时向各人明示;
(2)   The pais shall then be placed together in a row, with two pais in the middle facing down and enclosed with two remaining pais facing up;    该四张牌须排列成一行,中间的两张牌牌面向下,而在外边的两张牌牌面向上;
(3)   At any time and at the end of the game the unfolded kong may be inspected by other players on request.    在任何时间及在该盘游戏终结时,其它人可要求审视该副暗杠牌。
22.3.   Having made either a melded kong or an unfolded kong, the player must draw a pai from the tail, and the stipulations of art. 23.2 will then apply.    在开出明杠或暗杠之后,该人必须从牌尾抓牌一张,然后按照第23.2条规定办理。
23.   Other terms governing the exchanging and arranging of pais:-    其它有关替换和整理牌子的规定:-
23.1.   The execution of any one of the moves listed in art. 21 takes effect every time a pai is discarded throughout the game, until the game is completed with a result involving paying and receiving of scores, or until it is interrupted as no more pai is left to be drawn.    在整盘游戏中每当一人打出一张牌之后,其它人必须按规定执行第21条所列行动中的其中一项,直到该盘游戏以涉及绩分的收授而终结为止,或直到所有牌子已经抓光而令该盘游戏中断为止。
23.2.   After having drawn a pai either from the head or from the tail, a player can arrange the pai so drawn together with other pais inside his concealed hand to make sets of chow, pung or kong without disclosing them, or declare melded kong or unfolded kong as per art. 22, or declare win if situation allows. If, however, he eventually does not declare win he must discard a pai, and the pai so discarded may not necessarily be the one just drawn in.    任何人从牌头或牌尾抓牌之后,须将抓进的牌和自己手牌内未曾显露的牌整理以完成顺子,刻子或杠的组合而无须将它们显露,或按照第22条的规定开出明杠或暗杠,或在情况允许下报称胡牌。但是,在整理牌子之后而不宣告胡牌时,他必须打出一张牌,而该打出的牌可以不是刚抓进的牌。
23.3.   A player's turn to perform a single move or a series of moves terminates as soon as he discards a pai to the floor.    个人行使单一项行动或一连串行动的权利,在他打出一张牌到牌池后中止。
23.4.   Any player having the priority to execute a move may, by keeping silent for a reasonable pause of time or by performing a move of less priority, give up such priority. For the purposes of this article, a player is deemed to have given up a higher priority if a move of less priority has been commenced by himself or, given a reasonable pause of time, commenced by another player. If no move of any priority is declared, the drawing of pai as per art. 21.5 must be executed and shall continue up to and including the last pai.    若一人拥有行使某项行动的优先权,他可以选择保持一合理时段的箴默或选择行使一项较低优先权的行动,以表示放弃该项优先权。在执行本条规定时,若一人拥有一项较高的优先权,但另一项较低优先权的行动已经由他本人开始执行,或在一合理时段之后已经由其它人开始执行,则该人应被视为已放弃该项较高的优先权。若无人报称欲执行任何较高优先权的行动,则第21.5条的抓牌必须按规定执行,直到抓取牌墙上最后一张牌为止。
23.5.   If a player having the first priority to win decides to draw a pai instead, he loses his right and priority to win as soon as he touches the pai of the wall.    若一人拥有胡牌的第一优先权但却选择执行抓牌,则他在触及牌墙的牌时丧失其胡牌的权利和优先权。
23.6.   The manners of placing a pai to the floor by means of discard as described in art. 20 and of disclosing the pais to set up a melded kong or an unfolded kong as described in art. 22 are summarized as TO EXPOSE A PAI. Subject to art. 23.7, a pai so exposed may be obtained by any player as the fourteenth pai enabling the declaration of a winning hand.    按照第20条将牌放在牌池内的出牌行为,和按第22条开出明杠或暗杠的行为,可统称为"露牌"。由此而显露的牌均可被其它人取得成为手牌中第十四张牌以报胡牌,唯本条得受第23.7条规定限制。
23.7.   A kong providing a pai for another player to declare win is defined as a ROBBED KONG. Robbed kong can only be claimed and winning hand declared against a melded kong, except that if the winning hand is the Thirteen Unios (refer to Art. 25.2), robbed kong may then also be claimed and winning hand declared against an unfolded kong. [Explanatory note: Noun: A robbed kong. He loses his hand because of a robbed kong. Verb: To rob a kong. Player A sets up a melded kong and it is immediately robbed by Player B!]    若抓取别人开杠的牌而成胡牌,得称为"抢杠"。抢杠只可在别人开出明杠时执行,除非抢杠后胡牌成"十三幺"(参阅第25.2条),则抢杠亦可在别人开出暗杠时执行。[解释性说明:名词:抢杆。他这盘牌因抢杆而失守。动词:抢杆。当甲开明杆时乙马上把它抢了!]
23.8.   The declaration to win, to pung or to kong must be made immediately a pai is exposed by other player. In the absence of such declaration for a reasonable pause of time and in case the move to chow as described in art. 21.4 or the move to draw a pai as described in art. 21.5 is apparently about to complete, no player will be allowed to declare win, pung or kong any more.    凡报胡牌,碰牌或开杠必须在别的人露牌之后立即提出。若这些宣告在一合理时段后仍无人提出,而同时第21.4条所述的上牌的行动或第21.5条所述的抓牌的行动已明显地接近完成,则任何人均不得再报胡牌,碰牌或开杠。
23.9.   If a player draws the last pai as described in art. 23.4 and does not declare win, he must still expose a pai except that, in case the last draw is a Flower, he must disclose the Flower only and no other pai shall further be exposed.    若一人如第23.4条所述抓取最后一张牌之后不宣告胡牌,他仍然必须显露一张牌。若所抓得最后一张是花牌,则他必须而且只能打开该花牌而不得再显露任可其它牌子。
23.10.   If nobody declares win after the last pai being exposed or disclosed in a game, the game is then aborted and shall be resumed again, starting from the procedures of "shuffling the pais" (Art. 10.1 and art. 36.1) without changing of jonga, until the game is won by a player or otherwise until the game is completed with a result involving paying and receiving of scores.    若在最后一张牌显露或明示之后无人宣告胡牌,则该盘游戏便成流局,并须进行"洗牌"(第10.1条和36.1条)以重新开始该盘游戏而无须改变庄家的职衔,直到该盘游戏产生胡牌或涉及绩分的收授而终结为止。