International Mahjong® Rules
(Version v0702-2012-03-28    版号 v0702-2012-03-28)

10.   After the procedures of choosing seats, the play shall further proceed. The following procedures demonstrate how pais are being dealt, and shall be followed in the order as listed.    执位完成之后,游戏得继续进行。以下步骤详列发牌的过程,而每一步骤得按照所列次序顺次执行。
10.1.   SHUFFLING THE PAIS: All players shall participate in this process. To begin, all pais are turned face downwards and all players shuffle them thoroughly so that they cannot be recognized anymore.    洗牌:所有人得参与执行。开始时,各人将所有牌子反转令牌面向下,然后将牌子随意搓动,使其混合透切而无法辨认。
10.2.   STACKING THE PAIS: After enough shuffling, all players begin to stack the pais. Each player shall stack a two-storey WALL of pais, side by side with 18 pais in length and 2 pais in height. All players then push his wall of pais to the middle of the table, in a slope slightly leaning to the left, ideally with the right end of the wall pointing to the rare quarter portion of the wall on the right, such that all four walls of pais shall form a small enclosed square in the middle of the table.    码牌:经过适当时间的洗牌之后,各人开始码牌。每人将码入的牌子建成一道高为两张牌宽为十八张牌的牌墙,并将牌墙推向牌桌中央。各人的牌墙的放置,应以左边稍为向内倾斜,而各自牌墙的右端指向右边牌墙的四分一尾段,令四度牌墙在牌桌中央形成一细小的方形为理想。
10.3.   CASTING THE DICE: During the play the dice are cast by a specific player under one of the two circumstances below:    掷骰:在游戏的过程中掷骰的工作得由指定的人按照下列二者之一的规定进行:
(1)   If a game is the first one of a four-round period, the dice shall be cast by the player who gets the pai of the East as specified in art. 8, this player then counts anti-clockwise, starting with him as number 1, until the cast number reaches a player - the latter is then called the STARTER of the four rounds and is also the jonga of the first game. The start indicator as described in art. 6.1 shall now be placed at his left corner of the table, and the wall of pais stacked by him is then defined as the STARTING WALL.    若游戏是一四圈时段的第一盘,掷骰的工作得由按照第8条取得东风牌的人执行,其后该人得从自己开始以逆时针方向点算每一人,直至到达和掷骰点数相符的人为止,这时该名和掷骰点数相符的人便成为该四圈游戏的"起庄",亦是第一盘游戏的庄家。同时,第6.1条所述的起庄指示器须放在该人的左角落,而该人所建立的牌墙得称为"起庄牌墙"。
(2)   If a game is a new one as the continuation of the play, the dice shall be cast by the jonga of the game, who may then count anti-clockwise, starting with his wall of pais as number 1, until the cast number reaches a wall, which is then defined as the starting wall.    在其它情况下一盘游戏的开始时,掷骰的工作得由该局游戏的庄家执行,掷骰后庄家得从自己建立的牌墙开始以逆时针方向点算每人所建立的牌墙,直至到达和掷骰点数相符的牌墙为止,并将该牌墙定为起庄牌墙。
10.4.   DEALING THE PAIS: The dealing of pais shall be led by the jonga of the game:-    发牌:发牌的过程得由庄家带引:
(1)   To start, the jonga counts in the clockwise direction the columns of pais on the starting wall until the cast number reaches a column of pais. This column shall be defined as the TAIL, and the next column of pais is called the HEAD.    开始时,庄家在起庄牌墙上以顺时针方向点算每一栋牌,直至到达和掷骰点数相符的一栋牌为止。这时,和掷骰点数相符的一栋牌得称为"牌尾",而再往前点算的另一栋牌得称为"牌头"。
(2)   When dealing the pais the pais must be drawn from the head and in the clockwise direction on the starting wall and on to a subsequent wall. The jonga first draws two columns of 4 pais, then his nexta does, and so on, until every player has 12 pais in hand. The jonga then draws the upper pais on the 1st and 3rd columns. Each of the other three players continues to draw one pai more in the normal order. By now the jonga shall have a total number of 14 pais and each of the other players shall have 13, and the dealing of pais is then completed.    发牌时各人得从牌头开始,按顺时针方向沿着起庄牌墙取牌,并顺接到下一牌墙。发牌时,庄家首先取牌两栋共4张,然后其下家同样取牌,如类推,直到每人取得12张。其后,庄家抓取牌头第一和第三栋顶上的牌共2张,之后其如三人顺序各多取1张。这时,庄家手上共有牌子14张,其余各人每人得牌13张,发牌的过程到此完结。
10.5.   ARRANGING THE PAIS: After the pais are being dealt, all players shall keep their own pais concealed and the game shall continue in accordance with the stipulations set out in Chapter Five. Unless stipulated otherwise, all concealed pais must not be disclosed to other players.    理牌:发牌之后,各人应维持将自己手上的牌子牌背向外,而游戏则按照本规则第五章的规定继续进行。除另有规定之外,各人不得将手上的牌子向他人显示。
11.   Constant factors of a four-round period:    在每四圈时段中对各游戏有效的细节:
11.1.   The sitting positions of all players as determined in accordance with art. 8 shall not change throughout the whole of the four-round period.    按照第8条确定的各人的座位顺序在整个四圈时段内不得改变。
11.2.   The status of the starter will not change throughout the whole of the four rounds and the start indicator shall not be removed from its place either.    起庄职衔和起庄指示器的位置在整个四圈时段内都不得改变。
12.   The status of the jonga varies from game to game: If a jonga wins a game, his status as a jonga remains in the next game; if he has not won the game but the game is completed with a result involving paying and receiving of scores, his jonga status together with the jong indicator shall be passed to his nexta, the latter shall then become the jonga of a new game and is responsible for the casting of dice and dealing of pais in that new game. The manner the jonga passes his jonga status to his nexta is referred to as JONGA RETIREMENT.    庄家的职衔跟随每一盘游戏而有所变更:若一盘游戏由庄家胜出,则其庄家的职衔保留不变;若庄家不能胜出而该盘游戏以涉及绩分的收授而结束,则庄家的职衔得让给其下家,后者得成为新一盘游戏的庄家并须负责执行该盘游戏的掷骰和发牌的工作。上述庄家的职衔由庄家转让给其下家的过程称为"过庄"。
13.   When all four players each has tried and retired to be a jonga, a round of play is completed and the jong indicator is then returned to the starter again. Games are begun from round one, then round two, three and four respectively. Whenever a new round begins the starter shall announce the round number verbally, and see that the jong indicator also shows the current round number correctly. Alternatively, the round numbers may also be called after the four Winds, namely, round east, south, west and north, respectively.    当全部四人都各自曾经担任庄家并完成过庄的过程,则一圈的游戏便算结束而庄家指示器亦应在这时候回到起庄的位置。游戏应从一圈开始,分别顺序进行至二圈,三圈和四圈。在每一新圈游戏开始时,起庄应将圈的序数名称口头报出,并确保庄家指示器标示出正确的圈数名称。此外,圈数亦可按四个风牌而定名,分别为东圈,南圈,西圈和北圈。
14.   The completion of four rounds indicates the end of a four-round period. When it comes to the end of four rounds, the players shall, in accordance with the prerequisite settings of the event adopted as per art. 7, either continue the play and start another four rounds again by following the stipulations set out in art. 8.2, or finish the whole event and determine the final results of all players as per art. 31.    四圈游戏的完结即是一四圈时段的结束。当四圈游戏完结时,各人得以先前按照第7条确认的基本准则为依归,决定是否继续进行游戏并按照第8.2条的程序开始新的四圈游戏,或结束整个牌局的游戏并按照第31条的规定结算各人的绩分。
15.   The sitting position of a player together with his possession of certain pais may affect the ranking of his winning hand should he win in a game. While details of the ranking and scoring of a winning hand are prescribed in Chapter Six, the following are definitions of terms related to the sitting position as well as the pais that may affect the ranking of his winning hand:    当一人胜出一盘游戏时,其座位的序号和手上某些牌子的名称对他胜出手牌的等级都有所影响。本规则的第六章详列胜出手牌的等级和绩分的结算方法,而下列条文则对各人的座号和手上某些牌子的名称作出相关的定义:
15.1.   SEAT NUMBER: This is defined as the sequential number or the sitting position of a player with respect to the jonga of the current game. The counting shall begin with the jonga as number 1 and in the anti-clockwise direction onto other players.    座号:座号是各人相对于庄家的位置而编配的序号。序号的编配是以庄家的序号为1,并按逆时针方向编配予各人。
15.2.   CHANCE FLOWER: If the title number of a Flower coincides with the seat number of a player, the pai shall be called a Chance Flower of that player.    正花:若一花牌名称的数字和一人的座号相同,则该花牌得称为该人的正花。
15.3.   CHANCE WIND: If the sequential number of a Wind pai coincides with the seat number of a player, the pai shall be called a Chance Wind of that player.    正风:若一风牌的序号和一人的座号相同,则该风牌得称为该人的正风。
15.4.   CHANCE ROUND: If the sequential number of a Wind pai coincides with the round number currently in progress, the Wind pai shall be called the Chance Round. Accordingly, a Wind pai may in some times be a Chance Wind and a Chance Round simultaneously.    正圈:若一风牌的序号和一局游戏的圈数相同,则该风牌得称为正圈。因此,一风牌在某些时候可以同时称为正风和正圈。
16.   The stipulations under this article govern the handling of pais from the head and from the tail and shall apply to games played with the use of mahjong tiles only:-    以下条文对从牌头和从牌尾抓牌的行为作出规范,并只适用于以砖块麻将进行的游戏:
16.1.   Each of the terms the head and the tail as defined in art. 10.4(1) shall include the top and bottom pais of the column, or only the pai at the bottom if it is so remained.    第10.4(1)条所指的牌头和牌尾应包括该牌栋的上下两张牌,若该牌栋只剩余下面的一张牌时,则牌头和牌尾得同时指该余下的一张牌。
16.2.   The pai at the top of a column shall be drawn first whenever a pai is to be drawn from the head or from the tail.    每次须从牌头或牌尾抓牌时,必须先抓取上面的一张。
16.3.   Both the head and the tail exist at all times. When all two pais of a column have been drawn, the head or the tail will move to its next nearest column: The head moves in the clockwise direction in a wall or onto the first column of a new wall, while the tail moves in the opposite direction.    牌头和牌尾经常存在。若一栋牌的上下两张都被抓取后,牌头或牌尾便移到靠近的另一栋牌:牌头的移动是按顺时针方向在牌墙上移动,或从一牌墙延至另一牌墙的第一栋牌,而牌尾则以相反方向移动。
16.4.   When a game comes to a situation where only one column (with either two or one pai) is left, both the head and the tail exist in that same column and by then pais must still be drawn from the top to the bottom.    当一盘游戏只剩余一牌栋时,牌头和牌尾便同时存在于该牌栋上,此时各人仍须由上而下抓牌。