29. Only one player can win in each game. If more than one players have declared win because of an exposed pai, the priority to win is defined as below:- 每盘游戏只可由一人胜出。若超过一人因一张露牌而报胡牌,则胡牌的优先权按以下条款规定:
29.1. If there is a winning hand of Thirteen Unios, the holder has the priority. If more than one player declared the winning hand of Thirteen Unios, the priority goes to the sooner holder counted anti-clockwise from the Nexta of the player who has exposed the pai. 若胡牌中有十三幺的,则有优先权。若超过一人报十三幺胡牌,则由露牌者的下家起计以逆时针点算,先点到的人有优先权。
29.2. If no Thirteen Unios is declared, the priority goes to the sooner player counted anti-clockwise from the Nexta of the player who has exposed the pai. 若胡牌中没有十三幺,则由露牌者的下家起计以逆时针点算,先点到的人有优先权。
30. A player who has won a game shall receive scores from other players as prescribed below: 凡胜出一盘游戏的,可从其它人获取绩分,其规定如下:
30.1. Scores are assigned to a winning hand based on the grade value achieved of the winning hand, as outlined in the Standard Scoring Chart below: 每一胡牌的绩分是根据该胡牌所获得的番值,按照下面的"标准绩分表"计算:
Standard Scoring Chart 标准绩分表 | |
Grade value (fans) 番值(番) |
Scores (mados) 绩分(马吊) |
1/2 | 2 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 8 |
4 | 16 |
5 | 32 |
6 | 64 |
7 | 128 |
8 | 256 |
9 | 512 |
10 | 1,000 |
11 | 2,000 |
12 | 3,000 |
13 | 4,000 |
14 | 5,000 |
15 | 6,000 |
30.2. If a winning hand has a maximum grade value of half fan, it shall be awarded same scores as for 1 fan; if its grade value is more than half fan, any unit less than 1 fan is omitted. 若一胡牌的最高番值只得半番,其绩分可当1番结算;若其番值超过半番,则少于1番的番值得予以删除。
30.3. Scores shall be paid to the winning player by other players in accordance with the following stipulations: 胜出的人可按照以下规定向其他各人收取绩分:
(1) If a winning hand is caused by a pai drawn from the head or from the tail, the winning player shall receive from each player the assigned scores; 若从牌头或牌尾抓牌之后成胡牌,则向每一人收取表中规定的绩分;
(2) If a winning hand is caused by a pai obtained from the floor, the winning player shall receive the assigned scores from the player who has discarded the pai; 若从牌池中取得别人打出的牌成胡牌,则向出牌的人收取表中规定的绩分;
(3) If a winning hand is caused by a pai obtained from a robbed kong, the winning player shall receive three times the assigned scores from the player who has attempted to set up the kong. 若由于抢杠而成胡牌,则向欲开杠的人收取表中规定的绩分的三倍。
31. At the end of the event all players shall each report the total scores in hand and be inspected by other players (or by a referee) in order to determine the final results among them. The one having higher scores in hand, the result is better. 在牌局终结时,各人须自报手上绩分的总数并由他人(或裁判员)核实,以决定各人的最后成绩。手上绩分较多的人,成绩亦较佳。